Our platform lets you securely connect internal services and applications to external data providers.
An API integration connects two or more applications or services via their APIs, letting those systems exchange data. API integrations power processes throughout many high-performing businesses that keep data in sync enhance productivity, and eliminate the mistakes people make. Speaking of integration, we want to emphasize the integration of our platform with physical equipment as well. QR code scanners, controllers, and controlled relays allow you to automate checkpoints, provide an electronic queue, and optimize staff.
One primary advantage of APIs is their flexibility in creating a connected ecosystem. Users can leverage the functionalities of existing applications, services, or platforms through APIs without building everything from scratch. Businesses can consolidate data from various sources, gaining a holistic view of their operations. It improves decision-making and enhances productivity by eliminating manual tasks and reducing the likelihood of errors.
Our platform can accept requests in the webhook format using the JSON-RPC standard. However, we will customize such integration if your software works on other protocols or standards. We can work with SOAP, protocols built on top of XML, various RPC, REST, or graphQL. In turn, we will send data about events in our system to your systems (ERP, WMS, CRM). In the reverse order, we will query balances, process queues, and generate analytics. We may also become a third party connecting your company with another. For example, we may periodically collect cargo or vehicle tracking from the carrier company, accumulate this information, process it, and send only the necessary events for your employees or systems.
We understand that every company is different and requires a customized solution to meet its unique needs because it has specific applications, systems, and processes to meet its requirements. Therefore, it is essential to comprehend your company's current information architecture to determine how our platform can fit into your existing systems and processes and offer value. Our team of experts is always available to work with you to analyze your information architecture and help you identify the best integration approach for our platform.
Do you have any questions? Get in touch! Please email us info@alloid.io